I never ever thought I would be in a situation that entailed the use of one of those black and white boards that film types clack together in an important manner just after they say “Scene 1, Take 3”. Hmmm, yes. You can see from my highly technical description that I am about as au fait with the world of film and television as I am with milking a yak and yet,  my friends, I must once more encourage you to never say never because look at this:

That’s me, at Chez twirling betty,  being interviewed by the absolutely gorgeous Tracey Wightman for the upcoming tv series all about craft: Made by Hand. Tracey not only hosts and produces the program, but she also conceived the entire thing. She’s a passionate lady.

Made by Hand explores some of the fabulous world-class artisans and crafts-people we have right here in Melbourne. Using an engaging documentary style, Tracey delves into the unique world of Melbourne craft not only through interviews that give an insight into the processes and motivations of each artist but also through fascinating glimpses into their work spaces.

The  trailer for the series will give you a taste of the gorgeous and fascinating stuff that’s in store each week. From taxidermalogical jewellery to blacksmithing, glass blowing to cake decorating there is, to quote someone who probably wishes they had royalties attached to the use of the phrase, something for everyone.

To watch the trailer, just go to the home page of the project and scroll down a tiny bit to find a link to the trailer.

And isn’t it beautifully shot?

So what on earth does twirling betty think she’s doing mooching around in a series with world-class artisans and crafters? Well, it’s not because I’m within a bull’s roar of the calibre of the people Tracey interviews about their work – let’s just be clear about that here and now. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not all down on myself and thinking my stuff’s worthless blah blah. It’s not that at all and I’m happy as a clam with where I am.  It’s just that these people are really, truly artistically talented. On that higher level. I know you know what I mean.

Here’s me cracking Tracey up with some hilaaaaaaaahrious comment.

What I was able to contribute to the project (apart from my witty anecdotes and lovely hair clip – you’ll have to watch the episode I’m in to see it) was an insight into the benefits of selling craft on Made It – the online marketplace for Australian handmade goods. And I was delighted to provide that insight because I do genuinely think it is such a fab way to sell your stuff.

With two little kids, no time to build up any real volume of stock and an aversion to early mornings, it suits me down to the ground. Plus, it’s chockers with an array of great handmade stuff. All in one place. Just begging to be bought. It’s not a place for the weak of will power.

And just to be totally clear, I wasn’t paid for my appearance on Made by Hand (I was so thrilled to have the opportunity I paid them: in pastries and coffee). Nor do I have any special affiliation with Made It. I’m just a long-ish-term seller who is a genuine proponent of the site.

The first episode of Made by Hand screens  tomorrow night (Wednesday 29th June) at 8.30 AEST on Channel 31 and will be available from the Made by Hand website from online at 9.00pm.

Tomorrow’s episode features the wonderful Richard Nylon (seen in the trailer), Melbourne milliner extraordinaire; maker of stunning and fantastical hats and headwear and all round sartorial dandy. Literally.

I am REALLY excited about this. It was just so much fun to take part in and I’ll be back on Thursday to tell you a bit more about what happens when a small film crew descends on your house, what it’s like being filmed (eek) and how, despite the odds, I kept my cheekiness in check (but buy golly it was a close call at one point).

If you’re a crafty or artistic person or just interested in the passions that drive people, you are really going to want to watch this doco. I can’t wait.

So that’s tomorrow night, Channel 31 at 8.30.

Two things before I scamper:

1. HUGE thanks to all the people who left congratulatory comments on my last post about my Masterchef mag appearance. I really appreciated that.  And;

2. I hope none of you ever have to milk a yak. I mean, unless you want to of course. No judgment. Well just a tiny bit. Eeeeeeew.

11 thoughts on “And….ACTION!

  1. And doesn’t your house look just perfect for filming such a piece as well! So colourful and stylish!
    Yay you Chris and can’t wait to see you on the show.
    WIll you tape it as I won’t be back xyet…?

  2. fabulous! can’t wait to watch the show. don’t think I have channel 32 (?) but will check it out online. I will most definitely be after your autograph if I ever bump into you! x

  3. OMG! check you out there with the fame and all that 🙂
    how fantastic. wow! and how glamorous. what an awesome project to be involved with. wish we could see it here in the UK.

  4. Pingback: Cake as canvas: part 2 « twirling betty

  5. Pingback: Twirling Betty

  6. Pingback: Scratch ‘n’ sniff cards: a tutorial « twirling betty

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