New sun visors for Autumn/Fall

I can’t stop looking at this photo.  My girl looks so grown up. It’s a bit like getting a glimpse into her future.  Which for me is an exercise filled with equal measures of excitement and melancholy.

Anyway, this post isn’t about my ongoing failure to stop my children growing up, but rather I just wanted to show you the new Autumn/Fall inspired visors I’ve just finished. They’re available in my Made It shop now and I hope to have them in my Etsy shop soon.

Now, I’m well aware that my readers in the Northern hemisphere are probably skipping through fields of wild flowers gathering sprigs in the Spring sunshine (or something along those lines) but here in the Southern hemisphere we’re battening down the hatches, setting slow-cooked stews to simmer in the oven and lolling about in plaid visors.  Truly.  Every single one of us.