Sunday sorting

Today I did lots of folding and sorting.  And not of the common or garden laundry variety I’m happy to report.

It was immensely satisfying.

And amidst the flurry of fabric folding you’d be forgiven for thinking I had forgotten to announce the winner of the Flood Relief raffle winner. Well, you’d be f-f-f-f-f-f-f almost right but not quite.

The mysterious and inscrutable Random Number Generator has declared that the lucky winner is Bec Clarke – who was the third to leave a comment.  Congratulations Bec! You should have already received an email from me? Do get in touch so we can work out exactly what you would like me to make for you and I can get further details to make a donation in your name.

A HUGE, ENORMOUS, GARGANTUAN thanks to all who donated and participated. I’m extremely grateful. xxx