twirling betty cake bunting and banners

I recently re-photographed my cake bunting and photographed my new decorations: cake banners.

By the time made all the banners and bunting, iced the cakes, came up with decorations to dress aforesaid cakes up and sorted out a professional lighting set-up ie, sticky taped my lights to the backs of chairs so they were at the right height, it took me a full weekend but I’m happy with the results.

My handsome husband took the girls off to his mum’s for the full 48 hours (I’m in love, still) so I didn’t have them crawling into my light tent and just generally doing other helpful things like that.

I was grateful as I do tend to feel product shots are more effective without little kids’ sticky hands reaching for the cake in the background. Just my personal opinion, though.

Can I just say, learning how to set a custom white balance and availing myself of appropriate ISO settings have changed my photographic life.

If you’ve got something to celebrate, cake bunting and cake banners are available now in my Etsy and Made it shops.

What do you think my friends? Do you like the banners or will you vomit if you see one more thing atop a cake other than icing?

PS: I only sell the non-stamped bunting (the one on the pavlovas) in Australia. If readers in other countries would like plain bunting like that, please do visit the lovely Dawn’s Etsy shop: Kiki La Ru.

Longer-term readers might recall the great cake bunting scandal of 2010 (that’s what it’s referred to as in official documents at least) when twirling betty and Kiki La Ru clashed wooden skewers over who originated cake bunting. If you want the full details you can read them here (not one of my finest moments), but long story short, we both came up with the idea independently around about the same time. And now in the happiest of happy endings, we are taking on the cake bunting world as a united force! Well, that might be putting it a touch strongly, but we do refer business to each other and out of respect for Dawn I don’t sell plain bunting in my Etsy shop and she doesn’t do personalised bunting in hers.

Dawn lives near a picturesque Austrian forest and has a lovely blog too. And after a hard road (I’m not telling you anything that isn’t on her blog) she’s pregnant again and that makes me very, very happy.

Ahhh, cake bunting: bringing people around the world together one little string of flaglets at a time.

22 thoughts on “twirling betty cake bunting and banners

    • Well thank you Kat. It’s lovely to hear from you – one of my vocal bunting supporters! Hope you’re well. xx

  1. the pictures are fabulous. very pro. i love the harrison cake. i really need to be having a boy this time, as much as i adore my 3 girls boy things are looking very appealing right now. just ventured over to see dawn and after checking out the boy nurseries she featured i really really want to decorate a baby boy room. unlike dawn i won’t be finding out so only another 18 weeks to go….arrrggghhh!!

    • Well I am delighted you are up the duff Miss G. Fabulous, beautiful news. And I admire you for waiting to find out the sex. I couldn’t do it. Either time! And yes, I think if it is a boy, Dawn might be one of your go-to gals for beautiful baby boy finds.

  2. Beautiful shots, clever lady. Think the Betty and Edgar image is my fave. Am sure it was fun coming up with all the ideas to dress the cakes. And they look so lovely all lined up in the shop.

    • Ah gosh, that’s so lovely but I would feel totally cheeky doing a tute on photos. I am such an amateur and any good shots are as much luck as management. But thank you. I will certainly share the tips that worked for me, at the very least.

  3. Great Cake Bunting Scandal of 2010…..funny to hear it called that, but I know it wasn’t funny at the time. I love the new product shots. The banners are super cute!

    • I know, it is funny. Not least because it was all SO deadly serious to me at the time, and now seems so silly. Glad you like the banners. Thanks for your comment. So lovely to hear from you here. x

  4. here here on sharing the photo tips! these pictures are SO great. i love them all and i LOVE the whole concept of cake bunting and am glad that the drama of last year came to such an amicable conclusion!

    (i can see why grubby little hands would be grabbing at such pretty cakes! i hope you ate them ALL 🙂 )

    • Well, to be perfectly honest, we ate the pav but the cakes went into the bin. Because underneath that royal icing is simply 2 supermarket sponges. No jam no cream no yumminess at all. Ahhh, the magic of blogovision.

  5. i think my comment was confusing. it’s late and i’ve eaten too much sugar and everything is all blurry. i meant: here here, YOU should share your photo tips!

  6. Pingback: Twirling Betty takes the cake « Hey Bernice!

  7. Pingback: Elephant Party Inspiration Board - The Tiny Prints Blog

  8. The banners are adorable, your feud story very heartwarming (if everyone could only be as open and communicative as you two) and your photography amazing BUT please, please, PLEASE can you link up to a recipe for that pavlova!!

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